A night in Ostuni [Puglia]

Ostuni Puglia hidden gem white city day trip

Ostuni, โ€˜la cittร  biancaโ€™, meaning โ€˜the white cityโ€™, is situated in central Puglia, below Bari and above Brindisi/Lecce/south Salento. Ostuni lives up to itโ€™s name, greeting you with white buildings, narrow streets and a great โ€˜small townโ€™ vibe. Ostuni is situated on a hill, giving great views of the valley below. We ventured to Ostuni as a stop to break up our driving from Polignano a Mare down to Gallipoli. A few travel blogs had mentioned Ostuni, but we had minimal expectations. We have learned having low expectations is a good thing, as in this situation, Ostuni well exceeded them. Whilst not boasting any particular single โ€˜must seeโ€™ highlight, the cute narrow streets and wide open central piazza were impressive. Little bars, shops and restaurants line the streets and create a great atmosphere, especially in the evening.

How long should you stay in Ostuni?

We stayed one night and wouldnโ€™t have needed any longer. Ostuni would also be perfect for a day trip, however we enjoyed staying to get a feel of the city a night. We feel that staying more than one night would likely be excessive for this small city.

Wanting to stay in Ostuni? Check out the accommodation below:


Check out some of the moments from our incredible stay in Puglia by clicking here!! This was one of our favourite places from our travels!

Have you been to Polignano a Mare? Take a look at this incredible Puglia town here!

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